be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Monday, March 10, 2025

Don't give up, keep practicing

Under the influence of ignorance and its by-products, the mind is either being ignorant towards ignorance, or the mind denies and rejects the presence of ignorance in itself under the sense of pride and shame, where the mind justifies and blames the survival instinct and the autonomous instinctive non-freewill urge for all its ignorant hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction that are generated by the thinking and acting mind itself functioning under the influence of ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, and restlessness.

If it doesn't blame the survival instinct, it will blame everyone and everything else for causing itself to behave/act/react in such hurtful damaging way, than to be acknowledging that itself is under the influence of ignorance.

Even if it is aware of and acknowledges that itself is functioning/behaving/acting/reacting under the influence of ignorance, it will blame the ignorance and its by-products for all its hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction, while refuse/reluctant to do something about, to be free from the influence of ignorance and its by-products, by annihilate ignorance and its by-products from the selfless modification of the mind.

And even if it has the desire to do something about it, to be free from the influence of ignorance and its by-products, but it might give up during the purification process due to the presence of over-whelming distractions and obstacles, and it might either blame the weak willpower, or the restless impure modification of the mind influenced by the energy and elements, or the too many distractions and obstacles, or anything that it can think of, for giving up or reluctant to continue the purification process.

The blames will never come to an end or conclusion. Just like trying to find out "The chicken first or the egg first". Without chicken, there's no egg. Without egg, there's no chicken. Similarly, the selfless projector and the selfless projector screen, or the selfless mind and the selfless modification of the mind, or the perceiver and the perceived. They exist under the existence of one another. They don't exist under the absence of one another. And they exist, change, and ceased existing, under the selfless intentionless support and influence of the selfless energy and elements, governed by selfless intentionless nature's law of cause and effect (selfless manifestation and selfless evolution).

It's not about blaming this or that. Fault finding/pride/shame is a hindrance, or blockage, or obstacle for self-inquiry and self-realization.

The moment the mind lets go of fault finding, of self-blame or blame oneself/others/something/anything for being unable to do something, or unable to do something successfully, then naturally, everything that it perceives/experiences/comes in contact with will become the teacher/teachings/dhamma/guidance/assistance that enables the mind to realize the one and only greatest teacher within, which is its own selfless impermanent limited and conditional existence and function.

It's about developing the basic correct understanding (basic right discrimination/basic reasoning power), right attentiveness, right attitude, and right effort, and there are ways or there is possibility to develop all that from the base (the existing seed of wisdom but was left unattended), and even, from nothing (planting the seed of wisdom from the borrowed wisdom of others).

That's why the importance of non-grasping/non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, non-expectation, renunciation, dispassion, Satsanga/Asanga, silence, solitude, seclusion, openness, mental and emotional independence, self-control, self-discipline, self-reliance, forbearance, patience, perseverance, determination, adjustment, adaptation, accommodation, intense yearning/desire towards liberation/freedom/peace, self-inquiry, self-introspection, direct experience, or self-realization.

It is ABSOLUTELY possible to be free from ignorance and its by-products, even though there might be some difficulties or challenges arise. But know that, even the difficulties or challenges and/or ignorance and its by-products, are selfless and impermanent, or limited and conditional. That's why it is possible.

In the end, it's the freedom of the mind itself whether to give up, or not. There is neither right nor wrong.

There is one thing that can be and needed to be given up, which is ignorance and its by-products.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

The corrupted auto immune system and the existence of all kinds of discrimination and violence in the world of diversity

All kinds of discrimination are existing in this world of diversity that doesn't belong to anyone or anything, that discriminate, hurt, and attack one another among the different minds, are generated/created by the minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and its by-products, of the disturbed discontented dissatisfied restless egoistic impure modification/state of mind (the thinking and acting faculty is ill or corrupted under the influence of ignorance and its by-products, or mentally ill, or mentally corrupted).

The selfless existence and function as well as the survival or life maintenance of all the diverse selfless organisms in this world of diversity that doesn't belong to anyone and anything, are inter-supporting and inter-depending among one another of the many different diversities, in order to be existing/functioning/surviving as what all and everyone are, just as within each single living organism, there are diverse selfless bodily systems and components that work together and make up the selfless life existence and function of a physical structure that doesn't belong to anyone or anything, that need to be inter-supporting and inter-depending among one another, in order to be existing/functioning/surviving/sustaining as what they are.

Even though all the different systems and components are inter-supporting and inter-dependent on one another to be able to exist and function as they are (selflessness), but each of them also have their own respective duty that they need to carryout independently (self-reliance). It's the same in the diverse selfless living organisms in this world that doesn't belong to anyone and anything, where all and everyone are selfless and need to be inter-supporting and inter-dependent on one another to be able to be existing and functioning as they are, but at the same time, all and everyone have their own respective duty that they need to carryout independently, except those that come with certain disability or malfunction (certain severe physical and/or mental disability).

All and everyone and everything (living organisms and non-living objects) also need to depend on the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements to be existing/functioning/surviving/sustaining (impermanent changes from the beginning of coming into existence until the end of existence) as what they are (selfless, impermanent, limited, and conditional).

All and everyone and everything are subject to decay and disintegration (ceased existence). The difference is whether there is the selfless existence and function of a conscious selfless thinking and acting faculty, or not (mobile and immobile, as well as the presence or absence of non-autonomous conscious freewill activities/action/inaction deriving from a conscious selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty via the organs of action/mobility).

If there is the selfless existence and function of a conscious selfless thinking and acting faculty, the difference is whether there is the presence or absence of ignorance and its by-products in the selfless modification of the mind, that influences the thinking/reasoning/understanding/desire/behavior/action/reaction of the conscious selfless thinking and acting faculty, that impacts oneself and others and the surrounding environment.

All kinds of discrimination (ignorant egoistic impure ideas and behaviors under the influence of mental illness or corrupted thinking and behavior under the absence of clarity or correct understanding) that are discriminating, hurting, and attacking one another among the diverse minds, is similar to the corrupted malfunction auto immune system that is hurting and attacking the entire diverse bodily systems and components that needed to be inter-supporting and inter-depending among one another for the selfless impermanent existence/function and survival/life maintenance that is limited and conditional - Hurting oneself or self destruction, by thinking and believing that discriminating, hurting, and attacking others will boost or empower one's survival, but it is actually the complete opposite of that.

There is the difference between "We all stand strong together to attack and conquer those who are not one of us" and "We all are together. There is needless to attack or conquer anyone that is not one of us, as there is none that is not one of us, even when there are many diversities among us, and we all are not the same."

Inquire the truth of everything.

Friday, March 7, 2025

The selfless intentionless survival instinct

Selfless survival instinct is neither good nor bad, it is just what it is, a selfless intentionless biological autonomous mechanism that is needed to be existing/functioning selflessly in all kinds of selfless impermanent limited and conditional living organism (with or without the selfless thinking and acting faculty/mobile or immobile) for the selfless existence and function as well as the survival or sustainability of the selfless life existence of all kinds of living organism up to a certain extend, because all the different life supporting systems and components that are forming the existence and function of the living organism, are selfless and impermanent, limited and conditional, that have a limited existence, and that will decay and disintegrate.

Unlike non-living organisms or objects that are also selfless and impermanent, limited and conditional, if without the selfless autonomous mechanism of survival instinct, the living organisms cannot be formed 'properly', or come into existence to be what they are, not to say, to survive/function as what they are upon coming into existence. Similarly, a thing that is meant to be a car, but if it is missing one of the essential components that makes a car to be existing and functioning as what it is, then it doesn't become a car, or it is a non-functional car that is missing one of the essential components.

Survival instinct alone, either under the absence of consciousness/awareness/freewill of the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind, or, under the presence of consciousness/awareness/freewill of the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind that is devoid of ignorance and its by-products of the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, and restlessness, is merely about instinctive non-conscious/choice-less/intentionless autonomous physical and mental activities that are activated under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements, to maintain life existence, such as -

- Activate the signal/sensation of hunger and thirst or weakness/pain or discomfort and malfunction demanding for conscious action from the thinking and acting faculty to be attending/gratifying the need to replenish energy/air/water/nutrients/minerals, as well as the need of energy conservation and rest to allow recovery from overuse/exhaustion/tension/weakness/injury/illness, where the living organism needs to be keep refueling energy repeatedly before complete energy depletion happens, as well as to be looking after any existing excessive energy depletion/tiredness/tension/weakness/injury/illness before they become worst and jeopardizing the life maintenance, or else, life maintenance becomes difficult and impossible, or the biological autonomous mechanism of the different life supporting systems will be malfunction and dysfunction, and eventually, ceased operating/functioning, or ceased living.

- Activate the auto immune and survival reflex, to be avoiding and minimizing internal and external damage/injury/illness/threat/danger/risk/extreme detrimental environment, condition, and situation, that is detrimental or threatening to the survival or maintenance of the life existence and function of the living organism.

- Activate repair and regeneration (growth) up to a certain extend, where decay/aging/weakness/illness/malfunction/dysfunction/ceased function/disintegration take place.

- Activate the signal/sensation demanding for conscious action to be balancing between activeness and idleness (rest/sleep/awake/energy consumption and replenishment/waste products elimination/interchanging between physical activity and mental activity/interchanging between different positions and movements) - neither continuous prolonged activeness or overuse (that leads to excessive or complete exhaustion/energy depletion/damage) nor continuous prolonged idleness or under-use (non-attending the needs for maintaining sustainable existence and proper function), where both extremity will be detrimental to life maintenance, that will lead to malfunction and dysfunction (the presence of difficulty for maximal survival/existence), and eventually, ceased living, or ceased existence.

- Activate the digestion and absorption and distribution of energy and elements, and the elimination of waste products, of the complete biological autonomous life mechanism or bodily system, that is happening ceaselessly from the beginning of life existence until the end of life existence, either under the absence or presence of consciousness/awareness/freewill of the thinking and acting faculty/conscious by choice activities.

- Similarly, activate the selfless thought processing process of the perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind, to be processing/digesting/absorbing/distributing/storing/dissolving/releasing the ceaseless mind inputs/thoughts/feelings/emotions/desires/imaginations/memories/experiences/perceptions of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations/dreams, of all kinds of mind stuffs, or mental and emotional activities, or states of mind.

- Activate evolution/changes/adjustment of both the hardware and software of the living organism, to adapt/accommodate the current internal and external condition and situation for continuous survival, or to sustain maximal existence until the end of existence.

- Activate reproduction, to sustain, pass on, and expand existence, to create conducive condition for maximum survival, to gather internal and external assistance/support/knowledge/skill, to strengthen defense.

The selfless unlimited and unconditional attributeless changeless birthless and deathless universal consciousness beyond existence and non-existence is undetermined or uncontaminated by the selfless manifestation of all kinds of selfless impermanent names and forms that arising, changing, and passing away upon it (Both the selfless projector and the selfless projector screen that projects and hosts all kinds of selfless impermanent limited and conditional names and forms, is not being determined, affected, or contaminated by all kinds of selfless impermanent limited and conditional names and forms that come and go).

The selfless mechanism of the selfless thinking and acting faculty is the selfless projector of names and forms that projects thoughts/feelings/emotions/desires/actions/reactions upon the selfless projector screen (the selfless impermanent modification of the mind/thought activities), as well as the selfless perceiver that perceives names and forms (all kinds of experiences) through the senses and sense organs, as well as the selfless action performer that performs action and reaction via the organs of action and speech or expression (activated by instinctive urge for survival and/or conscious intention for gratification of desires).

The selfless mechanism of survival instinct is the intentionless mechanism that activate all kinds of life supporting systems, to maintain equilibrium of the physical and mental inputs and outputs, energy consumption, energy absorption, energy distribution, energy storage, energy conservation, and energy expenditure, to sustain or maintain life existence (up to a certain extend) until the end of life existence, even under the absence of consciousness, or awareness, or the freewill of the selfless thinking and acting faculty. Such as, if the physical body is out of the supply of energy/water/air/nutrients/minerals to maintain the life supporting system, the bodily system will start to consume the body itself to extract energy/water/air/nutrients/minerals from the entire physical body that is made up of all these, until the supply of all these life supporting essential energy and elements is available again, or else, the life supporting system will eventually malfunction/dysfunction (energy depletion), until it stops operating/functioning (complete energy depletion/ceased living/existing), and disintegrate.

The selfless conscious thinking and acting faculty is not the selfless intentionless survival instinct, just as all kinds different individual selfless systems in the selfless physical body of all kinds of selfless living organism that come with their own respective selfless duty. Although the survival instinct is there to be activating certain signal/sensation to the selfless conscious thinking and acting faculty demanding certain attention and action for attending certain needs for life maintenance. Meanwhile, what and how the selfless thinking and acting faculty acts and reacts, or not, towards the instinctive urge/signal, is being influenced by the presence or absence of correct understanding and self-control or the absence or presence of ignorance and its by-products in the modification of the mind.

The thinking and acting faculty could be influenced and over-powered by the instinctive sexual urge/conscious lustful desire under the absence of correct understanding and willpower of self-control, where it is being determined or over-powered by the instinctive autonomous activities in the physical body and the selfless modification of the mind operated under the selfless intentionless survival instinct, or, the thinking and acting faculty can developed correct understanding and willpower of self-control, and not being determined or over-powered by all kinds of selfless instinctive autonomous activities in the physical body and the selfless modification of the mind, transcending survival instinct and all kinds of selfless impermanent changes in the body and mind, of ceaseless life maintenance, hunger and thirst, sexual desire, the selfless impermanent thought process/modification/state of the mind, selfless instinctive evolution, non-instinctive by choice transformation, decay, illness, weakness, injury, aging, and disintegration.

The selfless/ego-less/'I'-less biological autonomous mechanism of several bodily systems (both hardware and software) that work together with one another, that support and inter-dependent on one another, are solely performing their respective duty selflessly under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements, however, the selfless thinking and acting faculty of the living organism could be generating conscious non-autonomous (by choice/freewill) desire or don't desire, action or inaction, that are influencing and impacting the selfless biological autonomous life mechanism in certain way, either intentionally or unintentionally, where the impact could be supporting and enhancing the overall well-being under the presence of correct understanding devoid of ignorance and its by-products, or the impact could be hurtful and damaging to the overall well-being under the presence of ignorance or the disturbed discontented dissatisfied impure restless state of mind, devoid of correct understanding.

There is no 'I' in the entire mechanism of the hardware and software of the physical body and the thinking and acting faculty, however, under the absence of correct understanding, or under the presence of ignorance and its by-products, there is the idea of 'I' (the ego/Ahamkara) existing in the modification of the mind deriving from ignorance, that influence the thinking and acting faculty (the mind) to be generating actions and reactions via the organs of action and speech or expression, to be gratifying boundless desires (craving) and don't desires (aversion), and upon desires are not being gratified, there is mental reaction of all kinds of impurities arising and occupying the modification of the mind (the thought process), that lead to physical reaction of hurtful or damaging behavior under the influence of impurities.

That process between the rise of certain mental actions/reactions (mental and emotional activities), regardless of whether instinctive survival urge or non-instinctive conscious by choice desire, and might or might not turn into physical actions/reactions or expression, can be intervened or cutoff by the thinking and acting faculty that has developed certain degrees of correct understanding, willpower, and self-control.

The mind perceives the sensation of hunger (instinctive survival urge). The mind can either eat now or later, or doesn't want to eat at all (non-instinctive conscious by choice desire and action/inaction), or there is no availability of food (the current condition and situation of the availability of food as well as food choices). Under the presence of hunger, but somehow, it is not being attended or gratified immediately or as soon as possible, the mind acts and reacts differently, either remains calmed/equanimous under the presence of correct understanding and self-control, or becomes agitated/dissatisfied/irritated under the influence of ignorance and its by-products.

The selfless thinking and acting faculty (the selfless perceiver/the selfless thinker/the selfless experiencer/the selfless action performer) can transcend its own modification of the mind that is supported and influenced by the selfless biological autonomous mechanism under the selfless intentionless survival instinct under the selfless support and influence of the selfless energy and elements.

The selfless thinking and acting faculty that is functioning under the presence of correct understanding, or under the absence of ignorance and its by-products, devoid of the restless egoistic impure disturbed state of mind, can choose whether it wants to act or react, or not, and how it wants to act or react towards all kinds of experiences, of what kind of behavior, desire/don't desire, or decision making, under the presence of correct understanding, willpower, and self-control, not being determined or over-powered by the instinctive biological autonomous mechanism or bodily system and the thought processing process operated under the selfless survival instinct supported and influenced by the selfless energy and elements, being aware of the selfless impermanent physical changes and thought activities, without attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation, while may, or may not, utilize the momentary selfless impermanent limited and conditional life existence to serve the world that is full of unnecessary and evitable suffering deriving from ignorance and its by-products.

The existence of all kinds of ignorance inflicted suffering is not the responsibility of the selfless intentionless survival instinct or the selfless thinking and acting faculty of the selfless living organism, but it is merely the consequences of the presence of ignorance and its by-product influencing the selfless thinking and acting faculty to be generating conscious by choice desires/behaviors/actions/reactions out of ignorance, that give rise to the consequences of all that.

Regardless of whether there is ignorance or correct understanding, or not, the selfless survival instinct is still performing its selfless intentionless duty of being what it is. However, the selfless thinking and acting faculty could be performing action/inaction that is benefiting or deteriorating to the over-all well-being of the selfless physical body or the selfless bodily systems, under the influence of correct understanding or ignorance.

Greed and ambitiousness, pride and shame, anger and hatred, jealousy and envy, attachment and identification, craving and aversion, discrimination and selfishness, manipulation and exploitation, possessiveness and separateness, violence and cruelty, bitterness and vengeance, chasing after endless indulgence in luxurious pleasurable enjoyment of the senses, the sense of loneliness, the sense of self-esteem and self-worth, clinging and longing, politicking, plotting, scheming, of all kinds of impurities, are arising in the modification of the mind under the presence of ignorance and its by-products, on top of the selfless intentionless survival instinct.

If tired, then take rest. If hungry and thirsty (energy depletion), then eat and drink to replenish energy. If energy replenished (absence of hunger and thirst), then stopped eating and drinking. If there is waste products accumulated, then pee/shit/sweat. If there's indigestion, then vomit/diarrhea. If there's germ/virus, then increase body temperature (fever). If injured or sicked, then rest, treat, and recover. If this position is uncomfortable, then change position. If holding something burning hot, then let it go. If it's too cold, then warm up. If it's too hot, then cool down. If there is presence of risk, then pay higher attentiveness and cautiousness. Survival instinct alone, devoid of ignorance/the idea of 'I'/egoism, doesn't give rise to all kinds of impurities that hurt oneself and/or others.

Survival instinct under the absence of correct understanding and self-control, the thinking and acting faculty would generate hurtful desire/behavior/action/reaction unto oneself and others, being over-powered by ignorance and its by-products (the restless egoistic impure modification/state of the mind).

Survival instinct under the presence of correct understanding and self-control, the thinking and acting mind has the ability of not generating hurtful desire/behavior/action/reaction unto oneself and others, devoid of ignorance and its by-products.

While respect and allow the selfless intentionless survival instinct to perform its selfless duty of being what it is, the selfless thinking and acting mind can perform its selfless duty of annihilating ignorance and its by-products from the selfless modification of the mind, by quieting, disciplining, and purifying the restless egoistic impure modification of the mind, to develop correct understanding and self-control, to know Thyself, to know the truth of selflessness and impermanence, that enables TRANSCEND to be happening effortlessly, transcending its own selfless impermanent limited and conditional momentary existence and function, including the selfless survival instinct and the selfless impermanent condition of the entire bodily system.

That's why the importance of freeing the selfless impermanent modification of the mind from ignorance and its by-products, to have peace and clarity in one's mind, is the highest duty of all minds, that is contributing to world peace ultimately.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Conserve energy, purify energy, channel energy, and transcend energy

Life is energy. Without energy, there is no life. The modification of the mind is supported and influenced by energy. Without energy, there is no modification of the mind. The thinking and acting mind that is functioning under the influence of ignorance and its by-products (the restless impure modification of the mind), ignorantly attaching onto and identifying with the restless impure modification of the mind as what/who it is, and generates attachment, desires (craving and aversion), actions, and reactions towards the mind perception of names and forms of all kinds of experiences, that give rise to the consequences of actions and reactions, that are impacting the physical and mental condition or the state of the mind of oneself, as well as affecting all and everything in the surrounding environment.

The ignorant mind keeps hurting itself and others and the surrounding environment, either wittingly (intentional action and reaction influenced by ignorance, egoism, impurities, or restlessness) or unwittingly (instinctive action and reaction influenced by survival instinct), out of the disturbed dissatisfied discontented agitated unease suffering state of mind (occupying and over-powering by ignorance and its by-products).

And hence, the minds that are aware of this, and if they want to know and understand (free from ignorance), or want to stop hurting oneself and all and everyone and everything, or have yearning towards liberation/freedom/peace/suffering free, then the path of yoga and meditation, or self-inquiry and self-realization, is there, if they want.

Yoga and meditation practice act as the tool or medium to -

Conserve energy - Not spending energy in worldly passionate egoistic ideas, affairs, connections, activities, and interactions, as well as dealing with all kinds of ignorance and consequences of ignorance.

Purify energy - Unblock any energy blockage (release physical/mental/emotional tension built up deriving from ignorance, egoism, impurities, and restlessness), while filtering and restricting the type of physical and mental energy inputs/consumption/influential elements that feed or influence the physical and mental condition or the state of mind.

Channel energy - Focus the existing energy or attention entirely onto self-inquiry to know Thyself, to free the modification of the mind from ignorance and its by-products (restless births and deaths of ceaseless thoughts arising, changing, and passing away), that leads to the annihilation of the modification of the mind, or Silence, or Samadhi, or resting in peace that is unconditional and unlimited, or devoid of restless births and deaths of ceaseless thought after thought arising, changing, and passing away, interchanging in different realms of different states of mind. - Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodhah

Transcend energy (the selfless impermanent existence and function of the limited and conditional body and mind) - The attainment of self-realization towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence enables the selfless mind to let go or transcend effortlessly its own selfless impermanent limited and conditional existence and function that is existing and functioning selflessly under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements, and all THAT that it perceives/experiences in the momentary worldly life existence of names and forms that is selfless and impermanent, regardless of whether all kinds of names and forms/experiences that it perceives/experiences are pleasant or unpleasant, desirable or undesirable, and agreeable or disagreeable.

Upon Self-realization or TRANSCEND takes place, the selfless mind may or may not utilize the existing momentary worldly existence under the selfless support of energy and elements to be performing selfless service to serve the world, unconditionally, while not being determined or over-powered by the selfless impermanent existence and function of the limited conditional body and mind, a.k.a. energy and elements and cause and effect, or survival instinct.

Anything that has a beginning of existence and an end of existence, of birth and death, that comes under specific name, form, and attribute (quality), that is constantly changing between birth (beginning of existence) and death (end of existence), that depends on the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements to be existing, is selfless, impermanent, limited, and conditional, including the selfless energy and elements that support and influence all and everything to be existing, changing, and ceased existing, are also selfless, impermanent, limited, and conditional.

The annihilation of the selfless impermanent modification of the mind, or the subside of the selfless impermanent thoughts current, that is supported/limited/conditioned by the selfless energy and elements, and that is governed by cause and effect - Birthlessness/deathlessness/namelessness/formlessness/attributelessness/changelessness/timelessness/selflessness that is unlimited and unconditional - Unlimited and unconditioned by energy and elements or cause and effect.

All these are nothing to do with 'beliefs', 'spirituality', 'healing', 'super extraordinary', 'mystic', 'sacredness', or 'untouchable'.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Transcend vs over-power or control

Depending on the presence and absence of the different degrees of correct understanding and willpower that can be developed and empowered, the selfless impermanent and limited conditional perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind (the selfless thinking and acting faculty of the selfless physical body) can transcend all THAT that is happening in its selfless impermanent and limited conditional modification/function and momentary existence.

Under the absence of correct understanding and willpower, or under the presence of ignorance and its by-products, 'naturally'/'spontaneously'/'instinctively'/'ignorantly', most minds want or try to over-power or control all THAT, being over-powered by survival instinct (the autonomous biological bodily system for survival or life maintenance). That's why there are many possessiveness, hoarding, covetousness, intrusion, intimidation, exploitation, bully, discrimination, offensiveness, defensiveness, control, cruelty, violence, and fighting in this world, that are truly unnecessary and evitable.

Under the presence of correct understanding and willpower, or under the absence of ignorance and its by-products, the mind can transcend all THAT, not being over-powered by survival instinct or the selfless impermanent and limited conditional existence and function of the selfless body and mind.

The biggest power in this world is not about the limited and conditional ability to over-power or control all THAT, of influencing and controlling or over-powering all kinds of influential energy and elements that are influencing and conditioning the selfless impermanent and limited conditional physical body with the selfless thinking and acting faculty to be or not to be in certain way, as well as to over-power or control all the others or the world to be under one's control or desire. As it requires tremendous amount of continuous energy and continuous effort to over-power or control something or anything, while energy and effort are limited and conditional. Just as to keep holding onto something or to keep doing something, is exhausting and limited, and is subject to the presence and absence of certain condition/possibility, that is also limited and impermanent.

That's why the desire/aspiration/ambition/action and its consequences/effects/fruits/outcomes of 'to over-power or control all and everything to be or not to be in certain way under my control or my desire' is limited and conditional.

That's why the yoga and meditation practice and their effects/fruits is also limited and conditional.

All kinds of momentary effects of the yoga and meditation practice are not the goal of the yoga and meditation practice, however, they are essential, where they served as the tool to be influencing/modifying/purifying/rendering the modification/function/state of mind in certain way, that would help to develop the essential correct understanding and willpower or to remove the veil of ignorance and its by-products, under the presence of intense yearning towards liberation/freedom/peace, right attentiveness, right attitude, and right effort, that enables the mind to let go or transcend (not being over-powered by) all THAT, effortlessly.

There is needless of energy or effort in transcend or let go all and everything, or not holding onto anything. That is why TRANSCEND is unlimited and unconditional, even though all kinds of actions/practices that enable TRANSCEND to be happening, are limited and conditional, as it requires tremendous continuous energy and effort to be engaging in all kinds of actions/practices, until TRANSCEND (Self realization towards selflessness and impermanence) takes place, as it is, effortlessly.

If all THAT, including the persistent actions/practices that enable TRANSCEND to be happening, are selfless and limited, then why is it possible to transcend all THAT?

Because all THAT is not only selfless and limited (modification is impossible and the absence of correct understanding and willpower/freewill - the TRUTH of selflessness and impermanence doesn't change or cannot be altered/conquered), but all THAT is also conditional and impermanent (modification is possible and the presence of developed correct understanding and willpower/freewill is possible - Transcending all kinds of limitations that are existing and that are inevitable under the truth of selflessness and impermanence, is possible).

The presence of willpower alone, is neither good nor bad, where it can be good or bad, depending on the presence and absence of correct understanding (the absence and presence of ignorance and its by-products). One can have intense willpower and high level of energy under perfectly excellent physical and mental health and fitness condition/function, to perform as many actions as possible that would be constructive or destructive, that would promote peace or unrest, in oneself, and unto others and the surrounding environment.

Similarly, the presence of attentiveness or concentration and knowledge or talent is neither good nor bad, where one can be highly attentive or concentrate making use of the existing knowledge or talent to create something constructive or destructive, that promotes peace or unrest.

It all depends on the presence and absence of correct understanding, or the absence and presence of ignorance and its by-products.

That's why the annihilation of ignorance and its by-products is highly important, and it's the highest duty of all minds.

It's the only and ultimate way to world peace that derived from the presence of peace (the absence of unrest) in the minds that are occupying in this world of diversity that doesn't belong to anyone or anything, where the mind doesn't hurt itself and others and the environment under the presence of correct understanding, or stops hurting itself and others and the environment out of ignorance and the by-products of ignorance, during its momentary selfless impermanent and limited conditional existence and function in this infinite space.

If the selfless physical body and mind doesn't function as what it is (malfunction or dysfunction), or if one doesn't have the capability of learning, knowing, understanding, and doing anything, then there is nothing can be done, unless the malfunction or dysfunction is detectable and repairable or fixable.

Just as if there is no organ of the eyes or the sense of seeing, or if there is certain dysfunction in the organ of the eyes or the sense of seeing, then there is no perception of sight. And even if there is the organ of the eyes or the sense of seeing and they are in perfect condition, but if without the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements, or if there is absence of light, the mind cannot perceive sight. That is limited and cannot be changed. But, that doesn't limit or restrict the mind to perceive other names and forms via some other organs or senses. And the mind can transcend that limitation of the absence of the organ of the eyes or the sense of seeing, or the dysfunction of the organ of the eyes or the sense of seeing, or the absence of light, and not being determined by that limitation.

If there is completely no awareness or mind perception towards 'the presence of suffering', there is no need of 'transcending' suffering, as suffering doesn't exist or isn't being perceived by a perceiver.

Before one knows and understands about how to do something, of course one doesn't know and doesn't understand about how to do something. However, as long as the body and mind is functioning as what it is, or if one has the capability of learning, knowing, understanding, and doing something, one can learn and know and understand about how to do something, if one wants to learn and know and understand about how to do something. And it takes certain amount of energy and effort from not knowing/not understanding/not able to do something until one learns, knows, understands, and keeps practicing or training until one is be able to do something skillfully, or effortlessly.

If there is the beginning of existence, there is the end of existence.

If there is up, there is down.

If there is front, there is back.

If there is big, there is small.

If there is unrest, there is peace.

If there is the limited, there is the unlimited.

If there is the conditional, there is the unconditional.

If there is strength, there is weakness.

If there is the presence of suffering, there is the absence of suffering.

If there is the presence of ignorance, there is the absence of ignorance.

And vice versa.

If there is the awareness or mind perception of 'the presence of limitation/restriction/unrest/suffering', there is also the way of 'transcending' limitation/restriction/unrest/suffering, if there is the yearning towards liberation/freedom/peace/the absence of suffering. It's limited and conditional, but yet, it's possible, although it takes certain amount of energy and effort for all that to be happening. Above all, all kinds of limitation, restriction, unrest, or suffering are also limited and conditional. That's why it's possible to transcend all kinds of limitation, restriction, unrest, or suffering.

All kinds of problems are limited and conditional. To solve any problems, one needs to find out the root cause of the problems, and from there, one can 'dissolve' or 'solve' the problems. If there are some 'unsolvable' problems, it is because the root cause of those problems hasn't been known (yet).

How much one can hold, is limited.

How much one doesn't hold, is unlimited.

How much one can know, is limited.

How much one doesn't know, is unlimited.

It's a very simple understanding.

The ignorant one is ignorant towards the unlimited while keeps chasing after the limited.

The wise one appreciates the unlimited and renounces the limited, without attachment/grasping/clinging, transcending all kinds of duality, including the limited/conditional/finite (all kinds of names and forms) and the unlimited/unconditional/infinite (the truth of selflessness and impermanence).

The most powerful person in the world will also be completely powerless, under the truth of selflessness and impermanence.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Inquire towards the selfless mind that perceives, experiences, thinks, reasons, understands, remembers, feels, desires, acts, reacts, or enjoys and suffers

Inquire towards the mind (the perceiver/the thinker/the experiencer) and the modification/state of the mind (the thought process of the perceived names and forms/the thinking, feelings and emotions/the experiences).

The dreamer is not the dream, even though the dream is projected or existing under the existence and function of the dreamer. The content of dream is being influenced mostly by the selfless thought activities (thoughts/feelings/emotions/desires), or the mind inputs, or the mind perception of names and forms, or the experiences, or the imprints, memories and imaginations, or the physical sensations/conditions, or the surrounding environment, or under the influence of energy/elements/food consumption/hormones/substances/drugs. Even though the dreamer can be 'affected' or 'disturbed' by the content of the dream, either wittingly or unwittingly, however, the dreamer also can be unaffected or undisturbed by the content of the dream, by having the understanding that it is merely part of the selfless impermanent modification of the mind.

Above all, there is no existence of 'the dreamer' if there is no existence of 'the dream', and vice versa. These names and forms exist under the existence of one another.


The selfless perceptive mind can transcend the selfless impermanent modification/state of the mind, that is influenced by the selfless energy and all kinds of influential elements, which also can be influenced by the selfless mind under the presence of certain understanding, willpower, and action/inaction.

Such as 'laziness'. The selfless mind perceives the presence of 'laziness'. The selfless mind is not 'laziness'. The selfless mind can be over-powered by the presence of 'laziness', partially or completely, or it can transcend/over-come as well as eliminate 'laziness', depending on the presence and absence of the different degrees of willpower, where willpower can be developed and empowered, under certain practice or training.


The perceptive mind is not the thought process of processing the perceived names and forms, or the thinker is not the thinking/thoughts, or the experiencer is not the experiences, even though the perceived names and forms are being perceived and processed under the existence and function of the selfless perceptive mind, or the thinking/thoughts are being projected under the existence and function of the selfless thinker, or the experiences are being experienced under the existence and function of the selfless experiencer. The selfless mind can choose whether it wants to do something, or not, (act or react, or not, and how it wants to act or react) towards all kinds of thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, ideas, and desires, that keep arising, changing, and passing away in the modification of the mind. It can choose whether to be disturbed or undisturbed by all that.

No doubt that, the selfless perceptive mind/the thinker/the experiencer doesn't and cannot exist and function, or function properly, if without the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements, that support the autonomous biological bodily system that sustain life existence up to certain extend (limited and conditional), which also influence the modification of the mind/the thought process/the states of the mind in certain way, that's why the selfless perceptive mind/the thinker/the experiencer is limited and conditional.


The limited and conditional selfless and impermanent perceptive mind/thinker/experiencer can transcend (not being over-powered by) all that, via non-attachment towards and non-identifying/non-associating with the thought process/the thoughts/the experiences (standing as the selfless observer observing towards the selfless impermanent modification of the mind), and hence, not only that the mind is not being determined or over-powered by the perceived names and forms/the thoughts, feelings and emotions/the experiences that are pleasant/unpleasant, or desirable/undesirable, or agreeable/disagreeable, but the mind can also not being determined or over-powered by the autonomous biological bodily system that sustain the selfless life existence and function, that influence the selfless impermanent function and condition in the selfless physical body, and that influence the modification/function/states of mind in certain way, transcending the selfless impermanent conditions of the physical body that are pleasant or unpleasant, as well as transcending the selfless impermanent modification/states of the mind, that are balanced or imbalanced, that are calmed or agitated, that are pure or impure.

The limited and conditional perceptive mind/thinker/experiencer can also make use of the existing knowledge and understanding (ability and opportunity) to be influencing the selfless energy and elements in certain way, and hence, influencing its own limited and conditional conditions/functions, as well as the modification of the mind or the states of the mind in certain way.

The power of influence is not just from one to the other, but there is inter-influencing between one another, where one can be more predominant (over-powering), and vice versa.

The different yoga and meditation practices act as the tool that can influence/render the modification of the mind or the states of the mind to be or not to be in certain way, where this effect of the yoga and meditation practice is also impermanent. However, that momentary influence towards the modification of the mind or the states of the mind, rendering the modification/state of the mind to be calm and quiet momentarily, can remove the veil of ignorance and its by-products (the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, restlessness, or suffering), that enables the mind to know Thyself, to see the truth of itself and its modification/function, where all that (the perceiver and the perceived names and forms/the thinker and the thinking/the experiencer and the experiences) are selfless and impermanent.

All states of the mind (Tamas, Rajas, Sattva) are selfless and impermanent under the selfless influence of the selfless energy and elements, that are interchanging or swaying between one to another, as well as a mixture of them, depending on which state is more predominant, which can be rendered or influenced by the selfless thinking and acting mind that has certain degrees of correct understanding and willpower to be choosing, or filtering, or restricting the type of physical and mental consumption/energy and element influence/physical and mental inputs and activities.

In the beginning, the mind over-comes the state of Tamas (idleness/lower impure consciousness/the absence of reasoning power) by developing/empowering the state of Rajas (activeness/higher impure consciousness/the presence of impure reasoning power). And then, the mind over-comes the state of Rajas by developing/empowering the state of Sattva (calmness/pure consciousness/purified reasoning power). And then, the mind transcends even the state of Sattva via self-inquiry and self-realization towards selflessness and impermanence, that is possible under the state of Sattva, transcending its own selfless and impermanent existence and function (Silence/Samadhi/The annihilation of the selfless impermanent modification of the mind).

The mind that is functioning under the influence of ignorance and its by-products of the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, restlessness, and suffering (the disturbed state of mind), is unwittingly/spontaneously/ignorantly attaching towards and identifying/associating with the modification of the mind/the thought process/the states of mind/the thoughts/the feelings/the emotions/the memories/the desires/the experiences, that are pleasant/unpleasant, desirable/undesirable, or agreeable/disagreeable, that are impermanent, or constantly changing, and hence, the mind/the perceiver/the thinker/the experiencer is in a state of 'restlessness', 'discomfort', 'dissatisfaction', 'suffering', 'doubt', 'confusion', 'fear', or 'not free'. - Under the absence of correct understanding and willpower

Meanwhile, the mind can develop certain degrees of understanding as well as will power, to be initiative and determined (intense desire/yearning) to free the selfless impermanent modification of the mind from the veil of ignorance (the restless impure modification of the mind), to be unattached towards all that, and to transcend all that. - Under the presence of correct understanding and willpower, that is also selfless and impermanent, that is also limited and conditional

Just like all and everything, desire is neither good nor bad. Desire can lead the mind towards constructive or destructive actions and consequences of actions. Desire can empower or annihilate ignorance. The desire that can annihilate ignorance is the intense yearning towards liberation/freedom/peace, under the presence of correct understanding, right attitude, and right effort via the help of certain tools/practices/trainings.

Just as under the presence of extreme pain or life threatening situation, the different mind acts and reacts differently, under the presence or absence of the different degrees of understanding and willpower (self-control or freewill), that are limited and conditional, that can be developed and empowered.

Because of the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everything, the selfless mind that is functioning under the influence of ignorance attached onto and identified/associated with the restless modification of the mind and perceives the suffering of restlessness, and hence, the mind is not free, but at the same time, the mind can be free upon the realization of the truth of selflessness and impermanence.

Upon the realization or understanding towards all and everything are selfless and impermanent, the mind is free from ignorance, devoid of attachment/identification/association towards the restless modification of the mind, that enables the mind to be free from all kinds of suffering that derived from ignorance, as well as transcending the selfless impermanent changes governed by the nature's law of cause and effect, or transcending its own selfless existence and function.

Above all, there is no existence of 'the selfless impermanent mind' if there is no existence of 'the selfless impermanent modification of the mind' or 'the mind perception of a worldly life existence that is selfless and impermanent', and vice versa. They exist for one another.

The mind that understands this, is free. More importantly, it doesn't matter whether the mind knows and understands or doesn't know and doesn't understand this or that, it doesn't matter whether the mind enjoys or suffers, and it doesn't matter whether the mind is free or not free, all are selfless and impermanent.

The truth of selflessness, where there is no permanent independent infinite individual existence of 'I' existing in the selfless impermanent body and mind, and in all and everything, it doesn't mean that the selfless mind doesn't have or cannot develop the understanding and willpower of self-control and freewill to influence/modify/render/annihilate and/or transcend the modification/state of mind, and to perform or not perform certain action that would give rise to certain consequences of action/inaction.

The selfless body and mind didn't choose to be existing as what it is - A selfless and impermanent as well as limited and conditional living organism that is in need of constant life maintenance under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements. (Absence of the freewill of a thinking and acting mind before coming into a momentary selfless impermanent existence, because it didn't exist until its selfless impermanent limited conditional existence begins to exist)

However, as long as the support for maintaining life existence and function is still available, then during its momentary selfless impermanent limited and conditional existence and function being what it is while reaching certain degrees of physical and mental independence/maturity, in this present moment NOW, the selfless mind can choose or influence what and how the body and mind is becoming, to choose what type of physical and mental inputs and outputs, to choose what type of action and inaction, whether to live a specific way of life, or not, whether to stay in or move away from certain condition or situation, whether overcoming/transcending or be over-powered by this and that, and whether to be happy or unhappy/to be kind or unkind/to be selfish or unselfish/to hold on or let go/to be disturbed or undisturbed/to be active or inactive/to believe or disbelieve/to be determined or undetermined by the impermanent physical and mental condition, limitation, ability, and disability/to be determined or undetermined by all kinds of desirable and undesirable life experiences that are impermanent, and so on, under the presence of certain degrees of correct understanding and willpower, even when the life existence and function of the body and mind is limited, conditional, selfless, and impermanent.

It's about the presence and absence of correct understanding (which can be developed and empowered) during the momentary existence between the beginning and the end of the selfless impermanent limited and conditional existence, that leads to certain action/inaction, that gives rise to certain consequences of action/inaction, that can impact the selfless impermanent changes in the body and mind as well as the surrounding environment, or the world that doesn't belong to anyone and anything, in certain way.

The existence and function of the thinking and acting mind is supported and influenced by the selfless energy and elements, where it doesn't exist and cannot function if without the support of energy and elements (not by choice/freewill biological genetic inheritance and by choice/freewill ongoing physical inputs or food/energy consumption for life maintenance), that influence the modification/function of the mind in certain way, but the way of thinking/understanding/reasoning/desire/behavior/action/reaction/outputs of the selfless thinking and acting mind are being conditioned and influenced largely/mostly by the ongoing mind inputs (family parenting upbringing/ideas/beliefs/values/inspirations/imaginations/stories/movies/social or public medias/social interactions and activities/educational learning and training/commercial advertisements/political agendas and manifestations/cultural, religious or spiritual empowerment, and etc) coming from everyone and everywhere.

That's why the upmost importance of the engagement in the mind purification process (to be changing/reconditioning/modifying/influencing the conditional mind behavior pattern as well as to quiet and silent the restless impure thought activities (the veil of ignorance), to annihilate the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, and restlessness) by filtering and restricting the mind inputs via the observation of dispassion, renunciation, non-blind believing/non-blind following/non-blind practicing/non-blind propagating/non-preaching, Satsanga under the presence of wise company or Asanga under the absence of wise company, solitude, seclusion, silence, mental and emotional independence, self-reliance, self-control, self-discipline, right attitude, right effort, right attentiveness/concentration, meditation (non-grasping/letting go/allowing the restless modification of the mind or churning thought current to subside as it is), direct experience, open mind and self-inquiry towards the truth of everything, and self-realization, to know Thyself, to inquire and see the truth of everything under a rendered momentary purified and calmed state of mind.

It's not about over-powering/conquering/controlling all the others or all kinds of names and forms, to influence or make everything (the perceived reality) to be the way that the selfless mind desires it to be. That is what most minds are trying to do, out of ignorance.

It's about not being determined/influenced by all THAT that is happening in the modification of the mind, of all kinds of names and forms that the mind perceives through the senses, that are selfless and impermanent, that keep arising, changing, and passing away.

The biggest power, is not the power that gives/creates life and object, or the authoritarian power to over-power/control this and that, but it's the power of knowing Thyself, of being free from ignorance, that exists in all minds in this momentary selfless impermanent limited and conditional life existence, that transcends all and everything that are selfless and impermanent, limited and conditional, including the power of creation, or survival instinct, that is also limited and conditional, because all selfless existence that exist under the power of creation, and that sustain under survival instinct, have limited existence, and are conditional.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Yoga for the minds that seek liberation, freedom, and peace

All minds have different intentions, motivations, desires, goals, or expectation towards this selfless impermanent worldly life existence due to the different minds are functioning under different degrees of understanding and non-understanding towards all and everything that is going on in the mind, of the ceaseless thinking/feelings/emotions, or the thought process, or the modification of the mind, on top of there are many ideas and affairs existing in this world that are very confusing/disturbing/disappointing/exhausting to the minds that merely want to have a life, to be able to breathe, and just be what they are, somewhere, in peace.

The goal and the fruit of the yoga practice can appear differently for the different minds under different understanding and non-understanding, and under different intention, motivation, desire, goal, or expectation.

There are some minds might be learning and practicing yoga with the main or sole intention or desire to be enhancing their physical and mental health and fitness condition, in order to stay healthy and fit physically and mentally, and to look good and feel good, however, all these effects or benefits of the yoga practice are merely some momentary by-products of the regular yoga practice. These side-effects are impermanent, and they are not the ultimate goal or the end of the yoga practice. There is nothing bad or wrong with such intention or desire for learning and practicing yoga, as it is still a form of wholesome physical and mental activity that would benefit the body and mind, which is better than engaging in some forms of unwholesome activities that would be detrimental to the physical and mental health and fitness condition.

It is not that difficult for achieving certain degrees of physical and mental health and fitness enhancement, especially if there is regularity, persistence, and determination in performing the yoga practice or any other forms of physical and mental fitness training activities. 

Momentary conditional peace and freedom deriving from the enhanced physical and mental health and fitness condition that allows the body and mind to be able to perform and enjoy many kinds of physical and mental activities (the gratification of desires), is merely part of the side-effects of the regular yoga practice.

More importantly, the enhanced physical and mental good health and fitness condition to be able to perform and enjoy many kinds of physical and mental activities doesn't necessarily mean that the mind is also free from ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, restlessness, or suffering. It doesn't necessarily mean that the highly intelligent and knowledgeable and talented mind is able to be kind towards oneself and all the others unconditionally, or doesn't hurt itself and others, or is free from disturb, violence, and suffering, or not being determined or disturbed by the mind perception of names and forms or life experiences that are not necessarily pleasant, agreeable, or desirable, and that are selfless and impermanent, as well as not being determined or over-powered by the biological physical condition and the state of the mind, or the autonomous bodily system that maintain life existence and bodily functions, that are selfless and impermanent, that are limited and conditional.

There are many minds might be learning and practicing yoga with the main or sole intention or desire of seeking ultimate freedom and/or unconditional peace, or to be liberated from all kinds of limitations and suffering.

However, it is quite challenging and 'almost impossible' for many minds to annihilate the idea of 'I' and egoism from the modification of the mind effectively, in order to realize unconditional peace (devoid of corrupted thinking, impurities, restlessness, or suffering),

that removes the veil of ignorance,

that allows the mind to transcend all kinds of inevitable limitations (for being existing and functioning selflessly and impermanently as what it is).

As most minds are being conditioned by and deep rooted in worldly passionate egoistic ideas, beliefs, values, activities, ties, and connections, to think, reason, desire, and behave in certain way, that derived from while feeds and empowers ignorance, the idea of 'I', and egoism,

which hinders the mind to annihilate ignorance and egoism,

to see the truth of the selfless and impermanent existence and function of itself and all kinds of names and forms,

to transcend all kinds of selfless impermanent changes that are happening within its own selfless existence and function, that merely exists and functions in this present moment NOW being part of the selfless impermanent existence and function of a limited and conditional decaying and disintegrating physical body,

and in all kinds of agreeable and disagreeable names and forms/experiences that it perceives through the senses within this limited and conditional selfless impermanent worldly life existence.


If the mind is still struggling,

Do not give up.

Never despair.


There are ways, if there is intense yearning towards liberation, freedom, and peace.

It is absolutely possible to be free from ignorance and the suffering deriving from ignorance.

It is absolutely possible to transcend the selfless impermanent modification of the mind while it is still existing and functioning momentarily in NOW under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements,

if there is immovable determination and perseverance, and under the presence of the basic correct understanding, right attitude, and right effort.

The key words/teachings/practice that lead towards liberation, freedom, and peace -







Turn inward (focus within)




Letting go








Unconditional dispassionate love (Kindness)





Inquire (the truth of everything)


Mental and emotional independence








Non-attachment (Non-grasping)







Non-blind believing

Non-blind following

Non-blind practicing

Non-blind propagating







Middle path

Direct experience

Self realization
















There is only NOW

Live in NOW

Existence is in NOW

All and everything in NOW are impermanent

All and everything in NOW are selfless


Even if the mind is still in doubt upon disintegration, it's okay.

That, alone, of acceptance, of desirelessness, of letting go, is liberation, is freedom, is peace.


The ability of letting go, or non-grasping/non-attaching towards whatever the mind perceives through the senses within and outside the body and mind, being undetermined or undisturbed by the selfless impermanent changes in the different qualities in all kinds of names and forms, of pleasant and unpleasant/desirable and undesirable/agreeable and disagreeable experiences, relationships, events, conditions, and situations, where the mind is resting in unconditional peace, is the liberation, freedom, and peace that exist in NOW, that cannot be given or taken away by anyone or anything. There is no need forbearance to forbear anything. Forbearance is needed only when the mind can't let go or doesn't know how to let go, or upon there is grasping or attachment. Similarly, suffering doesn't exist under the absence of grasping or attachment, or under the absence of the idea of 'I'.


All these names and forms are different as well as non-distinctive from one another.

Inquire the truth of everything, including all that is here, and everywhere.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Inquire towards the power of belief

All kinds of beliefs are not necessarily the truth of things, however, any kind of belief among all kinds of different beliefs is something so 'powerful' in the world of ignorance and egoism, as it is influencing the minds that are functioning under the veil of ignorance and egoism to think, reason, desire, and behave in certain way, that is influencing the general condition and situation in the world to be in certain way.

Power can be something constructive or destructive. Power can build or destroy. It's the same with all kinds of beliefs as well as all kinds of influential elements.

'Belief' becomes something very powerful (destructively), when certain minds with selfish greedy desires and ambitions used 'all kinds of beliefs' to manipulate, tempt or threaten, exploit, and control the thinking, the reasoning, the desire, and the behavior of many other minds, to gain certain power or advantage, that help them to achieve all their selfish greedy desires and ambitions.

'Power' or 'powerful' is neither something good nor bad. It depends on whether it is something that promotes peace and harmony among all kinds of diversities in this world that doesn't belong to anyone and anything, or not.

Just by 'believing in' something, even if that something doesn't really exist, can influence the thinking, the reasoning, the desire, and the behavior of the many minds in certain way, and hence, impacting the condition and situation in the world in certain way.

Even though any kind of belief is something 'powerful' as it is highly influential, just as all kinds of famous charismatic admirable respectable figure or influencer and inspirational event, but all these are not the most powerful thing in the world.

The minds that are free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, they are not being determined or influenced by any kind of belief, or any kind of influential element. They don't need the existence of any particular belief to set as a guideline to live life in certain way. They don't need the existence of any 'leader' to lead them, or to make decision for them. That 'mental and emotional independence of not being determined or influenced by any kind of belief or influential element' is the most 'powerful' among all kinds of so called 'powerful influential elements' in the world, as the liberated mind is not being determined or influenced by any kinds of influential elements, regardless of whether it is some kind of influential belief, or famous charismatic admirable respectable figure/influencer, or inspirational event, or impactful experience, or condition, or situation. The liberated mind is not even being determined or influenced by the ceaseless selfless impermanent changes that are happening in the body and the modification of the mind that is existing and functioning under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements.

The different minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, they are being conditioned and influenced by the many different kinds of beliefs that are existing in the world, to be thinking and believing that all minds cannot live life without believing in any kind of belief to be the guidance that leads to a particular way of living and behavior, where they believe all and everyone need to hold onto certain belief to live life and behave in certain way, that give rise to a sense of belonging, direction, refuge, purposefulness, meaningfulness, accomplishment, and personal/family/community pride.

All kinds of beliefs are neither good nor bad, but the mind is not free, if it is being conditioned and influenced by certain belief to think, reason, desire, and behave in certain way, regardless of whether the mind thinks and believes that the beliefs are something good or bad, and something agreeable or disagreeable.

The teachings and practice of yoga and/or buddhism, is to free the mind from all that, while respecting the existence of all kinds of beliefs being what they are, as there are many minds still 'need' to hold onto these beliefs to set as a guidance to live life, or else, they will be lost under the sense of purposelessness or meaninglessness, if without setting a specific direction or goal in life.

Before the mind attains mental and emotional independence transcending all kinds of beliefs, or before the mind attains self-realization transcending the selfless impermanent modification of the mind, where it still needs to hold onto certain belief to live life, think, desire, and behave in certain way, that give rise to the momentary sense of goodness, righteousness, positiveness, joyfulness, meaningfulness, refuge, or direction/goal, however, this mind also needs to understand that it cannot impose its own belief unto any other minds/people, where it expects all the others should also believe and follow its own belief to live life, think, desire, and behave in certain way, or the way that it thinks and believes is the good and right way, or the best way to be existing as a human being, while judging others who are different from oneself as bad and wrong, and be disturbed or offended by others who are different from oneself, that oneself dislikes and disagrees with based on one's own belief about how things and everyone should be like. One keeps one's belief only to oneself, and not impose one's belief unto any other, not even one's close family members or community, not to say, all the others that are not one's family members or community. Meanwhile, the mind can keep striving to be free from ignorance, to transcend its own belief or the modification of the mind, to attain mental and emotional independence or self-realization, if it wants.

The world is having so much unnecessary chaos or suffering, is due to there are many minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism impose each of their own particular belief unto all the others, and be disturbed and offended by the others whom they dislike and disagree with based on their own particular belief, while generate actions and reactions that are violent and hurtful unto the others who are different from them.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Love without possessiveness

Most of the 'love' in this world, is possessive love.

Upon falling in love with something, one will also want to possess that something that one 'loves'. Upon possessing that something that one 'loves', one will also wants to 'control' that something that one 'loves' to be 'the way that one likes and desires it to be'.

"I love you. I want you to be mine. You are mine. You belongs to me. I want you to be good, and always good.

When you behave in the way that I don't like and don't desire and don't agree with, and when you don't behave in the way that I like and desire and agree with, or when you are not good, I am unhappy and angry, and I will punish and hurt you."


"I love this land. I want to keep this land to myself. This land is my land. This land is mine. This land belongs to me.

I love this animal. I want to keep this animal with me. This animal is my pet, my family. This animal is mine. This animal belongs to me.

I love my family, my partner, my children, my brothers and sisters, my community, my people, my pet, and my land.

When the animal, the land, the family, the partner, the children, the brothers and sisters, the community, and the people are the way that I don't like and don't desire and don't agree with, or when they are not the way that I like and desire and agree with, or when they don't give me what I want and they give me what I don't want, I am unhappy and angry, and I will punish and hurt them, because I want them to be good."

What love?

No love.

Only possessiveness and control.

Only anger and vengeance.

Only selfish desires and expectation.

"I don't love you or anything. I don't even love myself. I only love my desires of getting what I want, what I like, and what I agree with, and not getting what I don't want, what I don't like, and what I don't agree with."

Don't fall in love with anything or anyone, if one doesn't know what is love, and doesn't know how to love, but one will be hurting everything and everyone that one thinks one 'loves' very much, out of possessiveness and control and desires.

If one really wants to love, then

Love without possessiveness.

Love without desires of craving and aversion.

Love without control and expectation.

Love unconditionally, and let go.


Inquire the truth of everything.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

How to deal with all kinds of ignorance and ignorant affairs in this world

No doubt that there are many people/minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and its by-products, and hence, there are many ignorant affairs that are happening in this world that doesn't belong to anyone and anything.

How to deal with all kinds of ignorance and ignorant affairs in this world is the same as how would one be dealing with the many people/minds that are suffering from certain degrees of certain kind of mental illness. And there are many people/minds are not aware of themselves are mentally ill, and they don't like and would feel very disturbed and offended when they are being referred as 'mentally ill'.

Pride is a form of mental illness. Possessiveness is a form of mental illness. Greed and jealousy is a form of mental illness. Anger and hatred is a form of mental illness. Being over-powered by all kinds of impurities influencing one's behavior/action/reaction is a serious form of mental illness. Being ignorant towards ignorance in oneself is the most serious form of mental illness. The minds that are ignorant towards ignorance in themselves don't have any self-control or reasoning power. They are existing and functioning on the instinctive level, being over-powered by or operating under 'the basic survival instinct' that exists in all living organisms, even if they are well educated, highly knowledgeable, or talented and skillful in many things.

The people/minds that are mentally healthy, they don't perceive 'those who are mentally ill' or 'mental illness' or 'ignorance and impurities' as something bad, negative, wrong, inferior, shortcoming, insulting, humiliating, or shameful.

The people/minds that suffering from some kind of mental illness, that are mentally ill, are not different from wild animals, where sometimes they are very calmed and 'cute', while some other times they are very disturbed, agitated, aggressive, violent, and 'hurtful', where they might behave/act/react spontaneously and irrationally, that would hurt oneself and others and the surrounding environment, either intentionally or unintentionally, and either deliberately or randomly.

One cannot reason with those who are mentally ill.

One doesn't need to be angry with those who are mentally ill, and doesn't need to be determined or disturbed by their 'damaging hurtful destructive behaviors'.

Just as one cannot reason or be angry with the wild animals for their unpredictable behaviors most of the time.

Ignorance is destructive. It is like any of the destructive 'natural disasters'. One doesn't need to or cannot be angry with the destructive natural disasters being what they are. One can be angry, if one wants to be angry, but it's one's own responsibility for hurting oneself with anger.

Just as one accidentally (or deliberately) fall into a 'hole' that is there being what it is, and got injured and feels pain, one cannot be angry with the hole, or out of annoyance and anger, one kicks and punches the space of the hole or the wall of the hole in order to release one's anger and pain, to revenge, but it is hurting and injuring oneself further out of one's action/reaction, while it doesn't change the hole being what it is. One might want to fill up the hole with earth, to make the hole disappear, and hence, one digs another hole to get the earth for filling the existing hole, which doesn't make sense.

One can only be vigilant not to fall into any holes. And there are many 'holes' and there will be more and more 'holes' everywhere in this world.

One can only see what one can do, to watch out for any kinds of 'natural disasters', to avoid or minimize coming in contact with 'natural disasters' directly, and see what one can do to 'clean up the mess' and/or 'repair or rebuild what have been damaged or destroyed', or not, without attachment or expectation.

If one wants to clean up the mess and/or repair or rebuild what have been damaged or destroyed, then know that there might be another and/or many other natural disasters will be happening again or repeatedly, where all and everything would be damaged or destroyed again and again after one's continuous effort of 'cleaning up' and 'repairing/rebuilding' the aftermath every time, while remains equanimous and at peace, without being determined, or disturbed, or disappointed, or hurt, or angered by all that.

Just as those who are looking after the people that are suffering from certain serious mental illness, where mentally ill people are not aware of (ignorant towards) what is happening in themselves or their behaviors. They are dealing with a very difficult situation, as they might be 'attacked' and 'injured' at anytime by those that they are looking after with care and loving kindness.

The healthy people/minds that have certain degrees of correct understanding, they don't suffer for other people's/minds' ignorance and the consequences of their ignorance, even if they are being affected physically and mentally, directly or indirectly.

Why hurt oneself further or continuously by something that the mind thinks and believes as other people's 'ignorance', that is 'bad' and 'wrong'?

Under the presence of correct understanding (wisdom), the selfless thinking and acting mind is not being determined or disturbed by the ignorance and ignorant affairs in this world that doesn't belong to anyone and anything. The physical body might be in a bad or weak and uncomfortable condition, but that also doesn't determine the thinking and acting mind that is devoid of ignorance, the idea of 'I' and egoism, that has transcended the selfless impermanent modification of the mind, that is being aware of the selfless impermanent physical condition under the absence of grasping, or attachment, or identification.

There are minds that have not yet developed any degree of self-control (the absence of freewill to make choices to behave/act/react in certain way, or not) or reasoning power (correct understanding) at all, being completely over-powered by survival instinct and influential elements, ignorantly attaching and identifying and associating with the restless impure modification of the mind/the selfless impermanent state of mind, and being the slave of the influential elements/ignorance/egoism/desires/impurities/restlessness.

There are minds that have developed different degrees of self-control and reasoning power of choosing how to behave/act/react in certain way, or not, transcending the survival instinct and all kinds of influential elements, or transcending the selfless and impermanent modification of the mind/the state of mind, via non-grasping/non-attachment/non-identification/non-association and thinning-out/annihilating the ignorance/egoism/desires/impurities/restlessness.

Patience, tolerance, forbearance, perseverance, adjustment, adaptation, accommodation, acceptance, contentment, calmness, generosity, letting go, non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, non-expectation, non-violence, self-control, reasoning power, correct understanding, determination, and etc, might be presence or absence in different minds, or might be presence under different degrees in different minds, but at the same time, all that can be developed or be strengthened, under self-initiation and self-effort.

"I am disturbed and angry. I want to behave destructively to hurt everyone and everything to express and release my anger."


"There is disturbance and anger arise in the mind. This is impermanent. It will pass away. It's neither 'I' nor 'mine'. There is no need to behave destructively to hurt anyone and anything."

What will this mind choose?

Inquire the truth of everything.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

All will pass away

No matter how good or how bad it is, all will pass away.

No matter good people or bad people, all will pass away.

No matter easy life or difficult life, all will pass away.

No matter healthy or unhealthy, all will pass away.

No matter happiness or unhappiness, all will pass away.

Live in the present moment. There is no living outside/before/after the present moment.

There is only the present moment now, and everything in this present moment is impermanent. There is no "other moment that is not this present moment now".

Just do what one can do in the present moment now.

Just do what is possible in the present moment now.

One can choose to act, or not to act.

And let go.

Let it be.

When one thinks there is nothing one can do, then just be in peace, regardless of whether in action or inaction.

That is the most precious thing in oneself, and that can be given to the world in the present moment now.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Go beyond the accumulated knowledge in the mind or what the mind thinks it knows

The mind only knows what it knows, or the accumulated knowledge and information that it has been coming in contact with, learning, studying, researching, and accumulating as well as memorizing.

The mind doesn't know what it doesn't know (yet).

The teachings and practice of yoga and/or buddhism is not a belief.

The truth of selflessness and impermanence in all kinds of names and forms, regardless of whether living organisms or non-living objects, as well as the nature's law of cause and effect, is not a belief.

Science, or "what things are, as they are", is not a belief.

If a mind thinks and believes, and says, "I believe that the universe is like this, or the human minds are like that, based on my conclusion coming from my own dedicated research on top of studying other people's research for many years," while denying certain knowledge/information/understanding that is different from its own understanding/conclusion based on its own accumulated knowledge and some others' accumulated knowledge, then it indicates that this mind only knows what it knows. It shows that this mind is still functioning under the veil of ignorance and egoism, even if this mind is the most knowledgeable mind among all minds in this world.

It doesn't mean that the knowledge/information or the understanding of this mind is wrong or incorrect, however, it is not the absolute knowledge or complete understanding. It's merely the partial knowledge/information/understanding that would lead the mind towards the absolute knowledge or complete understanding, provided if this mind knows how to go beyond or unattached towards what it thinks it knows, of all its accumulated knowledge/information and the current understanding/conclusion.

Such as there is nothing wrong and it's correct about "You are what you eat", "Develop positive thinking to overcome negative thinking", "Do good, don't do bad", "Treat others the way that yourself want to be treated by others", "Love yourself", "Be grateful and thankful", "The state of mind is being influenced by the energy field that is influenced by food consumption, substances or drugs, hormones, all kinds of positions and activities, the surrounding environment, or all kinds of physical/mental/emotional/sensory inputs and activities", and/or "I am That," however, that is not the absolute knowledge or complete understanding, or the goal of the teachings and practice. That's why there are many different types of initial practice and observation that served the purpose to render the state of mind in certain way, which is also impermanent, and it's not the goal of the teachings and practice, but it can prepare and lead the mind towards some other forms of practice for transcending all that.

Such as it's correct about "All minds are functioning under the veil of ignorance, and all are ignorant," but it's not complete. The veil of ignorance can be eliminated via self-effort and through persistence and determination. It is not easy, but it is absolutely possible to be free from ignorance.

Such as it's correct about "The behavior/action/reaction is being conditioned/influenced by the mind behavior pattern," but it's not complete. The mind behavior pattern is also limited and conditional, where it can be modified or changed. That's why there are many different types of practice that are available for initiate the process to modify or change the conditional mind behavior pattern.

Such as it's correct about "The past generated cause and effect cannot be undone," but it's not complete. How the mind acts and reacts in this present moment now towards the past generated cause and effect that cannot be undone, can determine the fresh cause and effect being generated in the present moment.

Such as it's correct about "There is no 'I' existing in the selfless body and mind to be in control of its own selfless and impermanent function and existence," but it's not complete. As long as the selfless body and mind is still existing and functioning under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements in this present moment now, it can develop willpower and self-control, or non-attachment and correct understanding, it can choose what type of 'minds'/'activities'/'connections' that it wants or doesn't want to get involve with, and it can choose to perform or not performing certain actions that can influence the selfless impermanent changes or the surrounding environment in certain way, in the present moment now, while respecting or allowing the fruit of its action or inaction to be what it is.

The selfless mind can choose and perform action to free itself from ignorance, or not, while allowing the fruit of choices/actions to be what it is. The mind can choose whether it wants to be kind or unkind. The mind can choose whether it wants to realize unconditional peace, or not. The mind can choose to let go, or not. The mind can choose whether to believe or disbelieve in something or anything. The mind can choose to be happy or unhappy, regardless of whether it is experiencing something painful or difficult, or not. There are autonomous functions/activities/actions/reactions in the selfless bodily system to maintain life existence, and there are non-autonomous freewill by choice activities/choices/actions/reactions/desires coming from the selfless thinking and acting mind, either under the presence of ignorance or under the absence of ignorance.

Knowing that this is poison, the mind can choose whether to consume the poison, or not. If knowing that this action will inflict damage or suffering unto oneself and others, and the mind still wants to do it, that is ignorance, that is nothing to do with selflessness (there is no 'I' existing in all kinds of names and forms). All are selfless. The only difference is whether the selfless mind is functioning under the influence of ignorance and its by-products, or not.

If the mind truly understands, it won't think and believe in such way, or debate and argue to justify and prove that "this is right and that is wrong" or "I am right and you are wrong".

The mind that understands "I only know what I know, and what I don't know, I don't know," is not free yet, but at least, it is on the way towards transcending the idea of 'I' and what it thinks it knows and doesn't know (yet).

The mind that thinks and believes, "I know a lot. I know more than the others. My knowledge/research/understanding is correct or more accurate than some others' knowledge/research/understanding that is different from mine," and justify, "My knowledge/research/understanding is correct/true, and other knowledge/research/understanding that is different from mine is incorrect/false," is currently stuck in its own thinking and accumulated knowledge/research and partial incomplete understanding.

And there is neither right nor wrong, and it's neither good nor bad, about all that. It's the freedom of thinking and understanding of all and everyone.

"All are selfless and impermanent. All are limited and conditional," is both restricting as well as liberating.

A mind that was very violent and hurtful can also change and become less violent and less hurtful, or even, non-violent and non-hurtful, or vice versa, if it (really) wants to change.

That's why the highly importance of self-inquiry towards "Who am I?", or more specifically, "What is the 'I' that the thinking in the selfless thinking faculty of the selfless human body that thinks/believes/acknowledges/identifies as I, or me, or my independent and infinite individual self existence?"

That's why the highly importance of Self-realization, of knowing Thyself, or more specifically, knowing what is the restless modification of the selfless impermanent perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind? or what is ceaseless births and deaths, or what is the ego and egoism? or what is ignorance and suffering? or what is Selflessness and Impermanence? or what is 'That'? or what is transcending time, space, and causation? or what is transcending the modification of the mind/the state of mind/restlessness/suffering or all kinds of thought activities/feelings/emotions/ideas/beliefs/values/desires/duality/likes and dislikes/agreements and disagreements? or what are all those influential and conditional teachings/beliefs/ideas/philosophies/knowledge/values/practices/inspirations/aspirations coming from all and everyone and everywhere?

That's why the highly importance of open mind, non-grasping, self-effort, self-reliance, dispassion, renunciation, solitude, seclusion, the observation of Mauna, desirelessness, mental and emotional independence, mind purification process, regular persistent concentration and meditation practice, turning the outgoing tendency of the mind inward for self-introspection, sharpening and purifying the intellectual reasoning power not to be influenced by worldly egoistic ideas/beliefs/values/practices/desires, intense yearning towards liberation, and thinning-out/starving/eliminating the idea of 'I' and egoism, a.k.a. activate the practice of non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, and non-expectation, that prepare the mind to perform inquiry towards all and everything, including all kinds of 'scientific' research, all kinds of ideas/beliefs/philosophies/teachings/values/practices/desires/inspirations/aspirations, and all the teachings of yoga and/or buddhism from anyone and everyone, or from anywhere and everywhere.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Letting go

What to be letting go?

Let go the idea of 'I' (the ego) and egoism of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, possessiveness, comparison, judgment, and expectation, as well as all kinds of by-products that come along under the presence of the idea of 'I' and egoism, that give rise to all kinds worldly passionate egoistic ideas, beliefs, values, practices, activities, desires, visions, inspirations, aspirations, or ambitions, that give rise to all kinds of impurities and restlessness.

Let go the idea of 'I' and egoism doesn't mean that one doesn't love or be kind to oneself, or doesn't strive to improve and doesn't look after the well-being of oneself, while deliberately doing everything that would be damaging or hurtful unto oneself.

Let go all kinds worldly attachment and identification of family ties and connections doesn't mean that one abandons one's duty and responsibility towards those who are in some kind of ties and connections with oneself, or doesn't love and be kind to all of them, while deliberately doing everything that would be damaging or hurtful unto all of them.

Let go attachment towards the world doesn't mean that one doesn't look after the well-being of the world, while deliberately doing everything that would be damaging or hurtful unto the world.

It's about performing all one's duties and responsibilities towards looking after oneself and others and the world, without attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion, possessiveness, comparison, judgment, and expectation.

It's about performing actions while renouncing the fruit of actions.

One is kind towards oneself, all and everyone, and everything, unconditionally, without attachment and identification or the sense of separateness, of 'myself' and 'others', of 'my family and friends' and 'not my family and friends', of 'my community' and 'not my community', of 'my belongings' and 'not my belongings'.

There is no "This is how much I give, and this is how much I deserve to receive in return."

The minds that don't understand the real meaning and practice of letting go, they would be in a state of selfishness, lovelessness, depression, loneliness, and meaninglessness, when they try to 'let go'.

The minds that understand, there is no selfishness, lovelessness, depression, loneliness, and meaninglessness, when they let go 'what I think is myself', all kinds of attachments and identifications, all kinds of ties and connections, and the world.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

If still in doubt, contemplate upon this

There is neither right nor wrong and it is neither good nor bad in all kinds of spiritual/religious beliefs, including the misinterpreted or contaminated 'teachings and practice of buddhism and yoga' that are existing in the world, even if they appeared to be something very disagreeable, or wrong, or bad, or destructive, or that inflict/generate many unnecessary evitable suffering unto oneself/others/the surrounding environment and into the world that doesn't belong to anyone, for those minds that have developed certain degrees of mental and emotional independence, correct understanding, or clarity of thinking and reasoning power, but somehow there is still a thin layer of ignorance, where they are still in doubt, where they are still not free from being bound by the idea of 'I'/dualism/disturbs/suffering/painful sorrow.

If the mind is still in doubt, couldn't understand why there is neither right nor wrong and it is neither good nor bad about all that, the mind can contemplate upon this -

Most minds are functioning under the thick veil of ignorance.

And hence, the mind is thinking/reasoning/desiring/behaving/acting/reacting in certain way under the influence of ignorance and the by-products of ignorance, either wittingly or unwittingly, that would be damaging and hurtful unto itself/others/the world/the surrounding environment, which also bring along the consequences of all that.

The mind that is functioning under the veil of ignorance cannot perceive or understand something that it couldn't perceive and understand, such as the eyes cannot see themselves, or the eyes couldn't see anything under the absence of light or under the presence of hindrance, and hence, it needs to depend on certain 'tools' or 'reflective objects' and 'the presence of light' as well as 'the absence of hindrance', in order to annihilate the veil of ignorance, to see/know Thyself.

All minds are functioning under the different degrees of ignorance, including the great teachers such as Siddhartha Gautama, Swami Sivananda, Ajahn Chah, and all the other enlightened gurus, saints and sages. That's why they are called "The enlightened one", as they were in doubt, and they needed to be approaching certain 'teachers', or coming in contact with and studying certain 'teachings', and engaging in certain form of discipline, or practice, or purification process, before they attained "enlightenment".

The different degrees of ignorance is like the different thickness of cataract that built up in the lens of the eyes.

The sun or the light is always there, just as the truth is always there. The earth that is turning at a particular speed and direction that makes the sun or the light appears and disappears, while generating the illusion of 'time'/'day and night', while the clouds or the atmosphere in the space also act as the 'hindrance' or 'colour filter' that changes the 'appearance' and 'disappearance' of the sun or the light.

The cataract is like the veil of ignorance, which can be removed. The only difference is that, the cataract has to be removed by some others (the eye surgeon, or a machine that is programmed to perform such task), but the veil of ignorance in the mind can only be removed by the mind itself through self-awareness, self-initiative, self-effort, self-inquiry, direct experience, and self-realization. During the process of removing the cataract or the veil of ignorance, certain 'tools' are needed.

There are very few minds that don't need any particular 'tool'/'teacher'/'teachings'/'guidance', as the veil of ignorance is almost transparent or non-existing, where it can see all and everything as they are, as well as all and everything that it perceives naturally appeared to be 'the teachers' or 'the reflective object that reflects all and everything as they are' that allow the mind to see/know Thyself.

All kinds of spiritual/religious beliefs, regardless of believing or disbelieving in 'this' or 'that', as well as the buddhism and yoga Scriptures/Sutras/books/materials, where they all can be and will be contaminated and misinterpreted, all are existing and acting as 'the tools'. Regardless of whether they are contaminated or non-contaminated, they all served the purpose as an initial 'guidance', or 'practice', or 'discipline', or 'path', or 'direction', for the wandering or lost minds that are functioning under the thick veil of ignorance.

Most minds need to hold onto certain 'beliefs' or 'teachings' before they can transcend all kinds of beliefs or teachings. Very few minds don't need all that.

First, the mind is heading towards a particular direction or goal (by engaging in certain discipline or practice genuinely and determinedly), and during that purification process, the mind will eventually start to see 'things' clearer and clearer, and then, eventually the mind can start to see all and everything clearly as it is (transcending all kinds of teachers/teachings/beliefs/Scriptures/Sutras/practice/discipline/path/direction/goal).

First, the ignorant minds are being encouraged to believe and have faith in 'That', to be taking refuge in 'That', to be praying to 'That', and to be grateful as well as be fearful towards 'That', or to be fearful towards 'unpleasant or painful consequences', or to be fearful towards 'ceaseless and restless births and deaths'.

And then, upon the annihilation of the veil of ignorance, or upon the mind sees/knows Thyself, the mind transcends 'That' and 'all that', that only served or acted as a 'tool'/'guidance'/'teacher'/'teachings'/'path'/'practice'/'direction'/'goal'/'refuge', or 'the light' that allows the eyes to see.

First, the illusive 'I' that is 'ignorant', that is in 'doubt', and that perceives 'suffering', that keeps hurting itself and others out of ignorance and suffering, is performing certain 'practice', or is engaging in certain 'observation and discipline', and is desiring to attain 'enlightenment', or 'salvation', or 'liberation'.

And then, upon Self-realization or knowing Thyself, there is no 'I'. There is no 'ignorance'. There is no 'end of ignorance'. There is no 'doubt'. There is no 'fear'. There is no 'suffering'. There is no 'end of suffering'. There is no 'path'. There is no 'goal'. There is no 'direction'. There is no 'practice'. There is no 'enlightenment'. There is no 'salvation'. There is no 'liberation'. There is no 'That'.

And yet, the engagement in mind purification process in order to know Thyself, or to be free from ignorance and its by-products, or to remove the veil of ignorance, is upmost important, or the highest duty of mankind, so that the mind doesn't hurt or stops hurting itself and others and the surrounding environment, or the world, during its momentary selfless and impermanent existence and function in this space that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

The train, the train track, the fuels, and the train driver, served the purpose of bringing the travellers to any particular destination. If for any reasons, the travellers decide to leave the train before arriving at the final destination, that is their own freedom. While either intentionally or unintentionally, some travellers would sabotage or cause damages unto the train, or cause interference, disruption, and even injury unto some other travellers onboard, or claim possessiveness and control over the train and those onboard, or hinder and stop some others from embarking onto the train, or persuade/force some other travellers to leave the train, or even divert the train path heading towards some other directions and destinations. Meanwhile, some travellers might have embarked onto a train that they thought it would bring them to where they want to go, however, during the journey, they realized that they have taken the wrong train, and they leave the train and embark onto another train that would bring them to where they want to go. Upon reaching the (final) destination, all that are useless as well as 'non-existence' to the travellers upon Self-realization. All that exist along with the existence of travellers that need to travel to somewhere. If there are no travellers, all that doesn't need to be existing. The travellers don't take or keep the train/the train track/the fuels/the driver with them. But, all and everyone needs to embark onto the train (that also has the train track/fuels/driver), or else, they are not going anywhere.

Just as performing many different types of physical and mental yoga and meditation practice passionately and regularly without implementing the elimination of ignorance, the idea of 'I' and egoism, while enjoying all kinds of momentary benefits/effects of the practice, doesn't lead the mind towards Self-realization.

That's why the importance of Satsanga (wise company).

That's why the importance of if there's no Satsanga, it's better to be Asanga (devoid of company) than to be having Kutsanga (ignorant egoistic impure company).

That's why the importance of solitude and seclusion.

That's why the importance of renunciation and dispassion.

Be free.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'. Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything. Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.

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Inquire the truth of everything.

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